03 марта 2020 14:02      3954

The romantic places in St. Petersburg

The poet A. Blok wrote: "White night month red / Surfaced in blue. / Wandering ghostly beautiful / Reflected in the Neva." St. Petersburg is rightfully considered as one of the most romantic cities in the world. Lovers from all over the world come here to spend a magical time with each other.
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(Photo: pixabay.com)

First of all, we recommend to come during the White Nights period (from late May to mid-July). It is an amazing time when the streets are constantly bright. You can walk until the morning, admire drawbridges and sights, ride pleasure boats.

What do we recommend visiting? The Botanical Garden, which is located near the Petrogradskaya metro station, is perfect for a date. Citrus trees and mangoes, tropical plums and Australian acacias, palm trees and jasmine grow in the greenhouse. It is a great place to make a declaration of love.

(Photo: pixabay.com)

The romantic route will not be complete without the Potseluev(Kissing) Bridge, which spans the Moyka river. There is a tradition - the longer you kiss here, the stronger the union with your beloved will be.

If you suddenly quarreled with your loved one, come to the monument to A.S. Pushkin, on the Arts Square. It is believed that he is able to reconcile lovers and revive feelings.

On Millionnaya Street, in front of the main entrance of the New Hermitage, you can see the Atlanteans who "hold the sky with stone hands." Rub the mighty big toes and your marriage will be happy and long.

Want to speak candidly? The best place is among the Indian gods in the courtyard of the Kunstkamera. There is a belief that next to these sculptures it is impossible to tell a lie, otherwise - the inevitable punishment will fall upon a liar.


(Photo: amacumara.ru)

We recommend visiting the historical museum-model Petrovskaya Akvatoria on Malaya Morskaya. It is a small copy of the city of the XVIII century. An excursion Romantic Petersburg is held specially for couples, which tells all about love secrets, signs, stories.

Perhaps one of the most interesting and memorable dates is a ride around the city on a rented retro tram. All you need to do is write a request to the Museum of Electric Transport. Just imagine - night Petersburg, champagne and the happy eyes of your beloved.

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